Sunday, June 24, 2007


Rose-a-lee sang.

rat ta ta tat
rat ta ta tat
tat tat ta tu

skuba bim bong
socka poka dim
rama rama lop chop
sopa hopa topa top
mama hippy doo…

Skipping over the rough spot in the road Rose-a-lee stumbled, caught herself, fell forward, leaned back, stopped, rolled her eyes and shouted, “ Hi Hoppa!” At that moment, a horned toad scrambled in a slow, side to side waddle to the dry grass on the edge of the gravel road. Rose-a-lee caught a glimpse of the horned toad as she swayed on the threshold of balance. Her giant shadow engulfed the tiny prehistoric survivor. He froze in the eclipse. Rose-a-lee reached out and grabbed the tawny toad. She swung upright and held him up to her face to get a close look.

Rose-a-lee sang.

tanka tanka rah rah
socka bimba doo
sawka sawka ratch ee
moma moma rue…

“Ooo la la, you handsome, tawny toad, let’s dance.” Rose-a- lee clutched the horned toad in her right hand, hopped two stones, then she sat down on an old stump. Directly, across the road from the stump, stood a road runner. His head bobbed a bit then he stood still. He stared at the scaled toad now lying in Rose-a-lee’s lap. Rosa-a-lee stroked the tiny toad head. She whispered “Tonka, that’s your name, you’re mine, forever mine”.

Rose-a-lee sang.

Racka rocka rumble
Kicka kanga bang
Socko blimp blimpa
Loppa doppa klang…

High above circled a hawk of giant proportions as Tonka saw it. He shriveled into his own skin. He was happy to find Rose-a-lee. He loved to dance. She did too. He could feel her rhythm in her songs. He couldn’t wait to dance again. At that moment, the road runner ran lickety split to the other side of the road for a closer look. Surprised Rose-a-lee pulled her skirt up over Tonka to hide him. The hawk circled again then swooped down. He perched on a rock on the other side of Rose-a-lee. He hoped to get a closer look at Tonka. Everyone wanted the same thing. Each one wanted a closer look, to be close to Tonka. Each wanted the same thing with a different intent. Rose-lee wanted a dance partner. The road runner wanted a race he knew he could win. The hawk wanted lunch.

Rose-a-lee sang.

Ringa ronga bongo bink
Simpa upa ding dong
Fropa sinko eepee wop
Clinga kropa fing fong…

Rose-a-lee soused it out. She jumped up, danced a jig, ran thirty yards with the road runner out in front, grabbed two huckleberries from a bush and tossed them to the hawk. Rose-a-lee and Tonka were satisfied, they had their dance. The road runner was happy, he won his race. The hawk was mollified, he had his lunch. Crunch, crunch, the hawk was quick. A thief with expert skill, he grabbed Tonka when everyone else was feeling pleased. No guard, he stole Tonka. He flew higher and higher until he disappeared. Rose-a-lee ran back down the road crying. She disappeared over a low hill. The road runner ran in circles then straight down the road, in the other direction, in a blur. One feather floated down from the big blue and settled on the stump. Slowly the sun dipped. Sunset filled the open sky.


Cathleen and Chris!

"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul...Musical innovation is full of danger to the state, for when modes of music change, the laws of the state always change with them."

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Rock Talk

It’s a day to celebrate rocks. Each rock is a friend. Our koi pond is made up of many friends. We collected this community of seemingly silent companions with care and affection. We scoured the county for abandoned, wayward, homeless rocks and placed them permanently in our pond. The pond is a gallery of pals with mysterious histories. Each rock is distinct. Each is unique in color and texture. Each rock’s story is as diverse as its exterior. One large, flat rock tells me it’s pleased with things the way they are. The last location was harsh. She fell several feet to the ground on the side of a back road. She spent a lot of time crying. Her tears were the sand and gravel around the edges. It was a sea of sameness. The rock says she wishes that I could have brought her good friend that was left behind hanging on the cliff, but she understands. She’s made friends with most of her neighbors now. She doesn’t miss her other friend anymore. The rock that supports the water fall tells me he loves it when the waterfall runs. He likes showers and the flow is perfect. The island rocks have started a chorus. When the waterfall spills they slurp in rhythm. The ripples against the rocks are barely audible, but they make a beautiful soft sound. When I sit on the edge of the pond, supported by hundreds of rocks, I hear the language of rock. All the conversations blend together. I hear stillness and peace. The waterfall can drown out the undertone of rock talk, but I still get bits and pieces. When the pond is still, I hear rock tones and see rock colors that rival sunsets.

Rock Song

tumble, scramble, roll, spin,
bounce, thud, crash, split,
bang, crumble, jumble, keel
dive, burrow, dust, dissolve,

crunch, lean, crush, fly,
toss, spin, stop, dam,
hold, grab, dig, bury,
cast, scramble, wiggle, burst,

stumble, crouch, dip, descend,
drop, flop, pitch, sag,
slump, topple, spill, plunge,
yaw, strike, slant, cant,

boom, clang, clatter, clap,
clop, slam, wham, smooch,
smash, crack, chink, blast,
thump, rumble, slip, slide.

Copyright 2007


Cathleen and Chris!

“Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone.”
John Keats

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tularosa Koi Pond Pleasures

The orient has known the value of koi for centuries. The beauty, the grace, the serene patience in existence expressed in these fish is inestimable. The butterfly koi, with their long veil like fins, move as dancers in a divine choreography. It's true they are catfish in pedigree, but bottom dwellers can often rise to the top with flash and flair. Koi are all about flash and flair. A whip to the left and right with their stout tails can impress anyone who has done laps in a pool. A swimmer's racing turn is awkward and lazy when matched against a playful or hungry koi.

Our Tularosa koi pond is home to one of the Kings of Koi. Big Daddy is his name and swimming is his game. He lolls about the pond tickling himself on the lily pads, or tucks himself away in the pond weeds to find some quiet meditation. When the waterfall is running his steadies himself under the falling water. He gulps water and air with delight.

Big Daddy is a lesson in survival. When we finished the pond we had no clue what the steps were to introduce koi to the new water park. We had expert advice that was all over the map. Like nurseries, everyone seemed to have an answer. The answers were as varied as the advisers, so we set out to find our own way following guidance from a variety of sources. First we added chemicals, but that killed the fish, even though the directions said it was safe for koi.We would see our error and start again and there, in all his colorful presence, was Big Daddy, Survivor, a small fry by koi standards, but that was in the early days. He kept his head down, so to speak, and each disastrous attempt to keep the pond clear left him undeterred. He would swim with complete equanimity. He never missed a meal. Now, large and in charge, he commands the leading role to four other koi of various shades and sizes, three substantial goldfish and a multitude of mosquito fish. He is safe from our external assaults now that the pond is naturally balanced. It seems true that, if one third of the pond is covered in plants, the fish will thrive. Contrary to many assertions by experts the koi don't bother the plants. Everything seems to be set in balance with the simple plant to pond ratio in place. No expert, I recommend this approach to anyone seeking to naturally balance their pond. Also, having no filter is no problem. It's been five years since we filled our pond. Our koi keep on treading water with no signs of distress.

Finally, we arrive at the whole point of this koi pond blog entry, the beauty of koi with no signs of distress. Big Daddy, the master of the Zen of pond life is my hero. Everyday I walk out and witness perfect beingness. No rebellion, no restlessness, no moving away, no grass is greener, no impatience, no puffing up, no nothing, but the quiet assurance that all is right, right where he is. Having a pond with fish is the perfect lesson in moment to moment living. There is no struggle to bridge moment to moment. Big Daddy demonstrates a seamless existence that hints at a better understanding and sets an example for us all.


"Sibelius justified the austerity of his old age by saying that while other composers were engaged in manufacturing cocktails he offered the public pure cold water."

Neville Cardus


Take Note!

Phrygian and the Modes.

(Disclaimer - the following information could be hazardous to your health.) The song Phrygian, is actually based on the HypoPhrygian Mode. With all things being relative to the Key of C Major, the Phrygian Mode is based on the 3rd degree of C Major, or the note E. The HypoPhrygian Mode begins on the 7th degree of C Major, or, the note B. Whereas the Major Scale, whether it is based on C, E or B is always comprised of 2 whole steps, 1 half step, 3 whole steps and 1 half step. The HypoPhrygian Mode is always comprised of 1 half step, 2 whole steps, 1 half step and 2 whole steps. Based on these scale degrees, the HypoPhrygian Mode contains the Tri- Tone between the 1st degree to the 5th, whereas the Major Scale contains a Perfect 5th between those same degrees. Thus, the HypoPhrygian Mode, with it's Tri-Tone (or augmented 5th) lends itself nicely to a particularly dramatic quality of the 18th Century musical practice of "sturm und drang" (storm and stress). Theoretically then, the song Phrygian, even though it is composed in the HypoPhrygian Mode, with it's "sturm und drang " qualities, could be classified as a Neo - Classical composition. Personally however, I think it belongs in the category of a Driving Rock song!!!! To continue, once the main musical statement of Phrygian is presented in the HypoPhrygian Mode, the composition then modulates into the Parallel Minor Scale of the Phrygian Mode (otherwise known as E minor). However, as one might expect, at this point in time, there are some harmonic adjustments that need to be made. Normally the ascending 7th degree of a Minor Scale is raised (Melodic Minor) and the chord built on that scale degree is Diminished, but now the 7th degree is not altered, and the chord based on that scale degree is Major. Normally the chord built on the 5th degree of the Minor Scale is Major, (or the Dominant) but now the chord built on the 5th degree is Minor. Normally the 2nd degree of a Natural Minor Scale is 1 whole step, but now it becomes 1 half step with the Major chord built upon that scale degree in second inversion (otherwise known as a Neapolitan 6 Chord, with absolutely no relation to the ice cream!). Finally, the Dominant Chord does have it's 3rd raised 1 half step to become a Major Triad, thus leading the harmonic progression to a dramatic and powerful climax! Whew!!!!!! Then there is a recapitulation with a statement of the HypoPhrygian Mode in diminution followed by a short coda consisting of material from the Parallel E minor section. Let me know if this information helps you enjoy listening to Phrygian, or if you are running out of the room screaming with a migraine!?!?!


"Remember, as you go through life, don't B flat, don't B sharp, just B natural." Mozart - the other Mozart - our Golden Retriever.