Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sunrise Toads at Toad Hall

Frogs... Croaka, urp, Croaka, urp, Croaka, urp....

All you The Wind in the Willows fans, we have a Toad Hall of own, complete with real live Toads! Every evening a small army of toads (about three to five) crawl to our koi pond and spend the night on the rock island or a lily pad. A few frogs welcome them with steady croaking. These toads are determined, because it is a raised pond and they have to scale a three foot rock wall to get their nighttime soak. It is concerning when we return at night and see a few toads crossing the driveway to get to the Toad Hall spa. We make every effort to support them in their pilgrimage. Often we get out of the car and assist them to their destination, so that we don't run over them.

Merce....muuuuum,screech, whoa!

Can you imagine running over Toad of Toad Hall! Of course stopping to help might open us up to a wild ride with Toad. You know how carried away "Toady" can get when the sound of a car coming up the drive tickles his ears. With a Toad Hall Cd playing in the car stereo ,Toad could hear himself singing about himself - a sure bait for the likes of Toad!

Birds...zinnnng, tweat, tweat,zing,srr,brrinng...

Sunrise comes and all the fully soaked Toads go back to where they came from the night before. The pond is still. A perfect day for reading The Wind in the Willows dawns.

"O Mozart, immortal Mozart, how many, how infinitely many inspiring suggestions of a finer, better life have you left in our souls!"
Franz Schubert

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